Sunday, June 04, 2006

Happy June

wow....its been a while since I last wrote! Things going along well, I'm settling in more and more. This weekend has been great and it seems like I've been away from work for more than two days which is always a nice feeling. I went out for dinner on Friday night and ate Caribou for the first time. And it was very nice thank you very much :-) It was great - sat outside, listening to a fantastic band. They did loads of covers and managed to sound like whichever artist they were covering, brilliant. Then we went dancing - I've not danced that much in AGES and I had great fun. I met some crazy girl from Russia who's been in Calgary for 7 months. She decided I was very beautiful and wants to make me up. I don't think I can ever go back to that club ever again. Ever.

Yesterday I did something that I think will make my dad proud - I was at Calgary Irish rugby club, watching a game! Was great fun, although I managed to get myself a bit sunburnt. I'm the proud owner of a farmer's tan -my uncles would be so impressed! Then after a bit of 'hanging out' I was back out again as some of the guys in the office were celebrating the end of exam season. Another good night and got walked home by three nice young men (Mooney magic on form, good to see...).

Today I just chilled in the sun and did some shopping - finally picked up 'Round Ireland with a Fridge' which I am looking forward to reading, its taken me long enough!!

So - all well in the world of Louise, am still having the big fun and I'm looking forward to the next few months. I'm especially looking forward to going to San Fran and Toronto with Anne and Clare, might even take a helihopper ride over Niagara falls - woooo hooooo!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Am very excited about the day trip to Niagara! I want boats and helicopters and the works!

I met get to Toronto for a weekend of FUN now you're back in the land of the living!!