Saturday, July 08, 2006

yeeeeee haawwwww!!!!!!

Stampede has arrived! My day at work yesterday consisted of arriving at around 10.45am, leaving to get beer and burgers (on order of the boss!) at 11.15am, getting back to work at 1.30pm, planning the afternoon's festivities then leaving at 3.30pm.

We went to a club called coyotes and whiled away the time on the patio drinking beer (and the occasional shot) and listening to a few bands. I red carded myself at around 10pm which was one of my better ideas! I woke up this morning at 5am feeling like death, but a few cups of coffee and two english muffins and I'm ready to do it all over again. Which is good as that's exactly what's going to happen. A taxi is coming at 11.45 (about 25 mins time) to take me to the first stop on today's club call.....lord help me! I think I'll probably be going home at around 3pm, but festivities aren't scheduled to end until 3am!!!!!!! These Calgarians are kerazy. Still, I'm wearing my I 'heart' cowboys t-shirt and I'm ready to give it my best shot!!!!

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