Sunday, July 09, 2006

Still alive.....

Wow. I made it through the weekend. I am very impressed!!! Yesterday was a whole lot of fun and I have added to my collection of things to stick on my person/ hat and things to hang around my neck!!!! I have no idea what time we left, but it was dark, so I put in a good innings. My feet KILL me today and I remember lots of dancing, including leading a conga line!

I managed to get out to watch the world cup final with a guy from work and a couple of his buddies. After starting on diet coke, I braved a beer and nursed it for an hour and a half!!! The rest of the day has been spent lazing around and trying to stay out of the sun/ hail.

This Stampede thing is great, but I'm going to have to pace myself. There's a huge party on Wednesday and I think I'm being taken to the rodeo/ chuck wagon races tomorrow or Tuesday (which is also the BBQ with the Canadian Prime Minister!). And best of all, MC Hammer is playing the wrap party next Sunday! You can't touch this.....

Cowboys rock!

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