Tuesday, July 11, 2006

BBQs and pancakes

Today was really busy at work - lots of stuff coming out of left-field and random meetings. The day was started with a traditional stampede breakfast of pancakes, bacon, sausage, eggs and potato things. I could only manage some of the pancakes and bacon (washed down with about a litre of maple syrup!).

I managed to escape at a decent hour though and after a disastrous attempt at getting the c-train, I met up with a friend and we headed to the night's activity which saw me attending a conservative fundraiser!! I suffered through a LOT of speeches and clapping and standing up and even had to pretend I knew the words to the Canadian national anthem :-) I did get to speak to the man (aka the Canadian Prime Minister) though, so am working through royalty and the hob nobs in parliament whilst out here!! I need to meet a few hockey players and rock stars next!!!!

Watch this space....

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