Wednesday, April 12, 2006

work permit

forgot to say yesterday, my next idea is to go to seattle on the weekend so that i can re-enter canada for the permit....its not all bad!! either seattle or san francisco.....not sure


Anonymous said...


san francisco all the way - anne here by the way- am showing your page and accomodation to mum

take a tram ride see the sharks in the bay go down the hills like paul newman

Anonymous said...

yeah - a few people have said san fran to me now....the interesting thing will be explaining to the firm that it is a necessary business expense!! Although I think there's only about C$50-100 in it....

Pete Johns said...

The word is full of tough decisions: Seattle or San Fran for the weekend.
Sheesh! It's a hard life, isn't it!?

Anonymous said...
