My microwave is beeping at me and I don't know why. My fridge beeps when its been open too long, my oven beeps when its reached my desired temperature setting and my washing machine beeps when its done.
I'm getting a LOT of static mini shocks.
My kettle takes an inordinately long time to boil.
My walk to work is either two or four songs long depending on the album and if the lights are with me or not.
There is a LOT of sunshine in this city.
I have to set my alarm for 5.30am tomorrow as I have a meeting at 6.45am. (This fact I'm not so excited about). (But you could have probably worked that out on your own).
They get some random english programmes over here: Gordon Ramsey hells kitchen and the nightmare one, Jamie Oliver in Italy, Antiques roadshow, lots of DIY things, dad's army, you are what you eat and the one about the scottish estate that i forget the name of with Archie in it to name (well...nearly name) but a few.
US versions of english programmes are rubbish.
They have Canada's next top model and Canadian Idol (neither of which I've seen yet, but I am very excited at the prospect.
AND - most exciting of all: Miles has asked his lady to marry him ANDSHE'SSAIDYES!!! How is Anna going to take the news??? What's going to happen between Millie and O'Donnell??? and HOW does she find him even remotely attractive???