Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Friends and Life and STUFF (2)

So. I wrote a while back about feeling a bit 'argh' about life, the universe and everything. I've not really thought about that kind of thing again until now, but I think I've got a different perspective on it all (obviously not got the PMT influence of the last post...). I think its GREAT that I know people in random places and that all my friends aren't in the same place. Don't get me wrong, I'd love it if we all lived on the same street...the same TOWN would be a start. But, I've realised that because we're all in difference places (both physcially and emotionally/lifestyle-y.....maaan) we all have different perspectives and insight into things. Just talking to someone who you don't see every day about something that's going on in your life can make you appreciate it from a different angle. Actually saying things out loud and describing situations can either help you realise that you're not mad....or maybe realise you are and totally overreacting.

It also makes me think that I'm not such a bad person if I'm such good friends with people who I'm not just friends with because circumstance (ie: living next door) makes it easy.

So..who would pick the easy life? It'd probably mean I'd know less than half of you lot as I'd never have gone to Ireland/ America/ France/ back to London/ Canada.


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