Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Friends and Life and STUFF (2)

So. I wrote a while back about feeling a bit 'argh' about life, the universe and everything. I've not really thought about that kind of thing again until now, but I think I've got a different perspective on it all (obviously not got the PMT influence of the last post...). I think its GREAT that I know people in random places and that all my friends aren't in the same place. Don't get me wrong, I'd love it if we all lived on the same street...the same TOWN would be a start. But, I've realised that because we're all in difference places (both physcially and emotionally/lifestyle-y.....maaan) we all have different perspectives and insight into things. Just talking to someone who you don't see every day about something that's going on in your life can make you appreciate it from a different angle. Actually saying things out loud and describing situations can either help you realise that you're not mad....or maybe realise you are and totally overreacting.

It also makes me think that I'm not such a bad person if I'm such good friends with people who I'm not just friends with because circumstance (ie: living next door) makes it easy.

So..who would pick the easy life? It'd probably mean I'd know less than half of you lot as I'd never have gone to Ireland/ America/ France/ back to London/ Canada.


Monday, June 26, 2006

hello there

I am so excited about going to Charleston this Friday!!!! wooooo hoooo!!!!! Holiday. yay :-)

AND i get to see shauna again.

Shauna for the unitiated is the best person in the whole world. And Jim's ok too ;-)

Nothing much has been going on, I'm pretty boring really. I'm just happy. Happy's good.

Saturday, June 24, 2006

sod's law

no one likes it...apart from sod i guess..

so...normally when we go out, its to a club called Mynt. Its fun - a few different dance floors, one of cheese (where I normally hang out) and a few others. Tonight we fancied a change so we went to Whisky. Which is 'ok'. Huge club, bit cheesy. Fun.


Tonight, Josh Hartnett and Samel L Jackson were in Mynt. Dammit. Apparently they're shooting a film here...

Dammit. Times a million.

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

First day of summer???

Lovely day today...sun, blue skies, beautiful.

And then

Thunder storms and the most hail I have ever seen in my life.

Good Lord.

Its nice again now, but seriously - I thought the end of the world was nigh there for a minute!!!

Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Well hi there!

I've realised I've not chatted to you in a while, so I thought I'd make sure you're all still ok out there. How's it all going?

Things is good here, thanks for asking. Am pottering along at work and still finding it all interesting and CAN'T wait to go to Charleston next week - YAY SUN!!!!! And then when I get back its Stampede time. Preparations are underway - the town is slowly but surely becoming cowboyified (yes, its a word). The information kiosk at the bottom of bottom of bankers hall is now an information wagon (it really is a wagon now). There are wagon wheels popping up all over the place, invites to numerous stampede breakfasts coming through thick and fast and I'm feeling the need to buy myself a cowboy hat. And maybe some boots. And a big old belt buckle.....

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

a bit sad

That's what I was today....not for long though. It was a bit of a shock to the system to be honest. I've been through periods of my life where I feel like I've been sad an awful lot, although thankfuly not recently. I don't know what brought it on. Well, maybe I do a bit. My problem is that I sometime have too many ideas...all of which have merit, but I can't focus on just the one and then end up getting in a funk because I can't do it all and then end up doing none of them!! Which is ridiculous. But true.

So how do I fix it?? Focus. I need focus. And I also need to get some of my self-belief back. I used to think that I could do anything, but now it seems like I need some affirmation from someone else. Which shouldn't really be the case. I should be capable of making life decisions, sticking to them and not being afraid to tell people when I've DONE something instead of talking great ideas to death...and ultimately talking myself out of them. I've done some things in the past (including coming to Canada) like that, where not everyone was supportive, but I knew it was the right thing for me. And I knew I could do it and make a success of it. I need to apply that belief to all parts of my life.

I'm also not very happy at all about my upcoming birthday. Which I need to get past....and SOON!! I think I've become aware of this a lot more accutely recently...so maybe that's step one?

Argh!! I've just realised this whole post has been about me thinking about things that probably don't need to be thunked about. Sheesh...

Suffice it to say I've got lots of ideas floating around in my head now for my next step...some of them a lot more crazy (and interesting) than others. So I think I might just try and surprise you lot sometime soon. And I think I believe I can. That's the best I can do for now!!

Sunday, June 11, 2006

Hello hello

Thought I'd check in before I get told off for not writing enough!! Have had a good week and great weekend. Bought lots of nice clothes yesterday including two great bikinis for Charleston -woo hoo!! Can't wait to get down there!!

Got my hair sorted yesterday - ended up being at the hairdressers for 3 and a half hours!!!! Didn't realise that it was some kind of crazy makeover place, he took one look at my hair and devised cut, colour and highlights. It looks GREAT!!! I was slightly worried at one stage, but really - all good :-) And dead cheap too (well, compared to London...)

AND - I've been invited to a BBQ during Stampede where the Prime Minister of Canada is the guest...dahlink, I'm really moving in different social circles over here ;-)

Weather has been crappy and that's the ONLY downside. I think its going to be better next week though - and there are lots of BBQs planned for next weekend.

Hope life's treating you all well xxx

Tuesday, June 06, 2006

Last night

turned out to be a good night in the end. We arrived at around 6.45pm for the champagne reception and I was one of the 'chosen' ones who actually got to speak to himself the Prince. Must have talked to him for oooh 5 minutes. Did my half curtsey as instructed on the invite materials (how to address HRH if you have the opportunity to meet him) and talked to him about how I was enjoying Calgary/ my job/ the weather...

The dinner itself was really good - lovely food (foie gras, lamb then some kind of frozen creme brulee thing) and good wine/ champagne flowing throughout. We had a few speeches which were dangerously close to TOO LONG, espeically since the first few ocurred while our starter was sitting in front of us! We decided not to stay for coffee & liqueurs since by then it was 10.30pm and we were all starting to fade. On the way out we got a nice pen in something that looks like a tiny clutch bag from a London goldsmith, so all in all an interesting night. Something I'm sure I'd never would have had the oppportunity to attend in London: yet another reason to back up my decision to come out here!

Unfortunately, we were not allowed to bring out own cameras (official media only dahlink) but I was actually photographed whilst speaking to Ed and had to give my name to some PR chap so I don't have any pictures to prove the presence of my legs to you, Kris. However, I'm sure you're an avid OK/ Hello/ Tatler reader, so you'll probably see the pictures of me in a glossy society mag near you soon!!!! ;-)

Monday, June 05, 2006


I'm sat here in a dress waiting for my taxi to take me to a gala dinner where the Earl and Countess of Wessex are the special guests.

I know!!!

And I got told at 9.30am this morning. So I went shoppping at 10am...I really haven't done much work today. (Women have to wear cocktail dresses...). I like my new dress :-) and I do believe it likes me - woo hoo!!!

I'll let you all know how it goes tomorrow...

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Happy June

wow....its been a while since I last wrote! Things going along well, I'm settling in more and more. This weekend has been great and it seems like I've been away from work for more than two days which is always a nice feeling. I went out for dinner on Friday night and ate Caribou for the first time. And it was very nice thank you very much :-) It was great - sat outside, listening to a fantastic band. They did loads of covers and managed to sound like whichever artist they were covering, brilliant. Then we went dancing - I've not danced that much in AGES and I had great fun. I met some crazy girl from Russia who's been in Calgary for 7 months. She decided I was very beautiful and wants to make me up. I don't think I can ever go back to that club ever again. Ever.

Yesterday I did something that I think will make my dad proud - I was at Calgary Irish rugby club, watching a game! Was great fun, although I managed to get myself a bit sunburnt. I'm the proud owner of a farmer's tan -my uncles would be so impressed! Then after a bit of 'hanging out' I was back out again as some of the guys in the office were celebrating the end of exam season. Another good night and got walked home by three nice young men (Mooney magic on form, good to see...).

Today I just chilled in the sun and did some shopping - finally picked up 'Round Ireland with a Fridge' which I am looking forward to reading, its taken me long enough!!

So - all well in the world of Louise, am still having the big fun and I'm looking forward to the next few months. I'm especially looking forward to going to San Fran and Toronto with Anne and Clare, might even take a helihopper ride over Niagara falls - woooo hooooo!!!!!!