Monday, May 01, 2006

Right..., what've I been up to? Nothing much really - normality is setting in. I went out on Friday night and it ended up being quite a night. Started off fairly early (5.30) going to a local bar for dinner and drinks for a workmate's friend. (All good - expanding the social network!). We didn't get round to eating too much, but definitely had lots of the local beer (Keiths again). My shoe broke, so I had to pop into work to get another pair - thankfully I have a few choices under my desk! We headed on to another bar (this was about 11pm) where I was introduced to the jaeger bomb. Which is a bad bad thing. From there, we met up with some more work people and the night went uphill/downhill from there. It was decided that I had to see cowboys (a local classy establishment....), so we all headed off there at around 1am. A very amusing place. More jaeger shots were had and lots of fun was had by all. I met some chap from Kent quite randomly and had a rose bought for me. I also had a long conversation with a policeman about guns and tasers whilst waiting for a, really: don't ask.

Saturday hurt. A lot. I wasn't able to eat until 7pm and spent most of the day wondering if I was strong enough to crawl to the local hospital. I have come to appreciate that Vodka redbull and shots of jaegermeister are only fun in the moment. I'm getting slightly concerned for my health with all the upcoming festivals!!

Sunday I got myself out most of the day and bought a lovely Michael Kors handbag from the local answer to Selfridges. Am trying to convince myself that things are soooooo much cheaper over here, but I think that attitude might well bankrupt me! Still, at least I'll be surrounded by pretty things on the way down....

So. Things are still going well, I'm really loving it over here. Everyone's been dead friendly and I'm looking forward to the next few months and starting to not want to go back to London already!!! But I do miss you all - would be nice to somehow mix you lot and this lot and Calgary and London and all would be well with the world.....


Anonymous said...

and Ireland of course!!! ;-)

Anonymous said...

and what about the good ol USA? :(

Anonymous said...

and ESPECIALLY Charleston ;-)


Anonymous said...

I was actually talking about the places London and Calgary when I first wrote that, the "you lot" encompasses the people, but now I think about it, I would like to mix a bit of London, Calgary, Enniskillen, Dublin and Charleston as a place to live. That would be cool. And a bit of Nancy, I miss it there...oh, and some Florence.